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三维短片|球形精灵的兴衰.The Rise and Fall of Globosome

动态 2015-12-06 浏览量:22051

《球形精灵的兴衰》(The Rise and Fall of Globosome)讲述的是,在广漠的太空,生活着这么一群圆球状的小精灵,繁殖速度异常惊人,展示出非凡的智力水平,它们所到之处寸草不生。

三维短片|球形精灵的兴衰.The Rise and Fall of Globosome

三维短片|球形精灵的兴衰.The Rise and Fall of Globosome

三维短片|球形精灵的兴衰.The Rise and Fall of Globosome

三维短片|球形精灵的兴衰.The Rise and Fall of Globosome


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